Uwaga! Uwaga! Blogerka miała zły dzień. Ojj... bardzo zły. Co więcej postanowiła pójść wtedy na zdjęcia (głupia, że też nikt nie wybił jej tego z głowy!). Teraz może powiedzieć, jestem sama sobie winna. Hejterzy mnie zjedzą. Nawet Adam (mój fotograf), jeden z najbardziej optymistycznych ludzi, których znam, ledwo ze mną wytrzymał tego dnia.
A teraz już trochę poważniej. Nigdy nie traktowałam bloga jako pamiętnika. Nasłuchałam się i naczytałam o tym od innych, nie do końca rozumiejąc, co autorzy tych słów mają na myśli. Nawet Andy z stylescrapbook.com, jedna z moich ulubionych blogerek, wspomniała o tym w swoim ostatnim nagraniu. Zanim przekonałam się, że to właśnie tu, na blogu jest najwięcej WSPOMNIEŃ z ostatnich dwóch lat mojego życia (no prawie dwóch), musiałam zrobić i opublikować te zdjęcia. Nie możecie ich znać, bo raczej nie mam tendencji do uzewnętrzniania się, a przynajmniej nie w przestrzeni online. Ale za każdym razem, gdy oglądam archiwum lub stare foldery, przypominam sobie wszystko to, co miało miejsce danego dnia. Np. TU byłam po trzech nieprzespanych dobach (wciąż nie do końca wiem jak to się stało), TO miejsce już zawsze będzie mi się dobrze kojarzyć, podczas TEJ sesji, tańczyłam na środku chodnika, a podczas TEJ pierwszy raz użądliła mnie osa lub pszczoła (nie do końca wiem, czym się różnią), TU miałam grypę giganta, w TYM są buty od przyjaciela, którego uwielbiam i za którym bardzo tęsknie, TEGO dnia pierwszy raz w życiu trzymałam w ręku aparat fotograficzny, TEN post jest częścią filmu, który z przyczyn ode mnie niezależnych nigdy się nie ukaże, na którym to w ostatniej scenie wypiłam butelkę wina (no dobrze, pomógł mi w tym Paweł, model biorący udział w projekcie) i grając cierpienie, tak wczułam się w rolę, że na samym końcu się rozpłakałam, po TYM wieczorze moje życie przewróciło się do góry nogami, TU poznałam Kingę, czytelniczkę mojego bloga, z którą spędziłam bardzo miły dzień, a TU Malwinkę, dziennikarkę, która początkowo chciała przeprowadzić ze mną wywiad, z którą potem się zaprzyjaźniłam. TEN pokój należy do mojego cudownego i inspirującego przyjaciela Pawła, który za kilka dni wylatuje do Londynu, ale gdyby nie impreza pożegnalna, którą zorganizował, nigdy nie przeżyłabym jednego z najwspanialszych wieczorów mojego życia. Wymieniać mogłabym jeszcze długo, bo każde zdjęcie to inne wspomnienie, inni ludzie z nimi związani. Tak więc, blog jest moim pamiętnikiem. I dzisiejszy wpis będzie z kategorii tych odrobinę smutniejszych, ale przecież i takie są w pamiętnikach.
Ale obiecuję, w następnym poście wracam do Was z mnóstwem pozytywnej energii i mniej zirytowanym wyrazem twarzy!!!
Attention! Attention! The blogger have had a bad day. Oh ... very bad. What's more, she decided to go to take some photos (stupid, it's a wonder that no one would take the idea out of her head!). Now she may say - I'm the only one to blame. Haters gonna get me. Even Adam (my photographer), one of the most optimistic people I know, barely survived that day.
And now a little more seriously. Never have I treated the blog as a diary. I've heard and had read about it from others, not quite understanding what the authors of these words have had in mind. Ev en Andy from stylescrapbook.com, one of my favourite bloggers, mentioned it in one of her last recordings. Before I found out that it was here on the blog where the most MEMORIES from the last two years of my life (well, almost two) are, I had to make and publish these pictures. You cannot know them, because I do not have a tendency to manifest my inner self, at least not in the online space. But every time I watch an archive or old folders, I keep thinking about everything that happened that day. For example, HERE I was after three sleepless days (still not quite sure how it happened), THIS place will always bring good memories to me, during THIS session, I danced in the middle of the sidewalk, and during THIS one a wasp or bee stung me ( not quite sure how they differ), HERE I had a giant flu, in THAT one there are shoes from a friend, which I love and miss so much, THAT day, the first time in my life I've held a camera in my hand, THIS post is part of the film which, because of the reasons beyond my control, will never see the daylight, in which during the last scene, I drank a bottle of wine (okay, Paweł, the model involved in the project, helped me) and playing pain I fell into the role so deeply that at the end I cried, after THAT evening my life went upside down, HERE I met Kinga, a reader of my blog, who I spent a very nice day with, and HERE Malwinka, a journalist who initially wanted to interview me, whoI made friends with as well. THE room belongs to my wonderful and inspiring friend Paweł, who a few days from now flies to London, but if it was not for the farewell party, which was organized, I would have never never spent one of the greatest nights of my life. I could go on like that for a long time, because each picture brings a different memory, different people associated with it. So, the blog is my diary. And today's entry will be the one from a little sadder category, but after all, these ones happen in the memoirs as well.
But I promise, the next post I come to you with will be a lot more positive and with a less irritated look on my face!!!
Attention! Attention! The blogger have had a bad day. Oh ... very bad. What's more, she decided to go to take some photos (stupid, it's a wonder that no one would take the idea out of her head!). Now she may say - I'm the only one to blame. Haters gonna get me. Even Adam (my photographer), one of the most optimistic people I know, barely survived that day.
And now a little more seriously. Never have I treated the blog as a diary. I've heard and had read about it from others, not quite understanding what the authors of these words have had in mind. Ev en Andy from stylescrapbook.com, one of my favourite bloggers, mentioned it in one of her last recordings. Before I found out that it was here on the blog where the most MEMORIES from the last two years of my life (well, almost two) are, I had to make and publish these pictures. You cannot know them, because I do not have a tendency to manifest my inner self, at least not in the online space. But every time I watch an archive or old folders, I keep thinking about everything that happened that day. For example, HERE I was after three sleepless days (still not quite sure how it happened), THIS place will always bring good memories to me, during THIS session, I danced in the middle of the sidewalk, and during THIS one a wasp or bee stung me ( not quite sure how they differ), HERE I had a giant flu, in THAT one there are shoes from a friend, which I love and miss so much, THAT day, the first time in my life I've held a camera in my hand, THIS post is part of the film which, because of the reasons beyond my control, will never see the daylight, in which during the last scene, I drank a bottle of wine (okay, Paweł, the model involved in the project, helped me) and playing pain I fell into the role so deeply that at the end I cried, after THAT evening my life went upside down, HERE I met Kinga, a reader of my blog, who I spent a very nice day with, and HERE Malwinka, a journalist who initially wanted to interview me, whoI made friends with as well. THE room belongs to my wonderful and inspiring friend Paweł, who a few days from now flies to London, but if it was not for the farewell party, which was organized, I would have never never spent one of the greatest nights of my life. I could go on like that for a long time, because each picture brings a different memory, different people associated with it. So, the blog is my diary. And today's entry will be the one from a little sadder category, but after all, these ones happen in the memoirs as well.
But I promise, the next post I come to you with will be a lot more positive and with a less irritated look on my face!!!
Photos by Adam Kozłowski (like)
Bag- Zara
Jacket- sh
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